Wednesday, 19 August 2020

International Youth Day 2020 Theme for United Nations to Aware People

International Youth Day 2020

Give your teenagers a special protocol on international youth day 2020. No matter how many rich countries there are in the world, no one is born so rich or so beautiful, but they make it beautiful. It depends on the inhabitants of this country how far they want to take their country. All the countries that have gone ahead in the world have succeeded only because of their youth.

I do not need to present any evidence or proof of this. When a person has the passion to do something and if he loves his country if he wants to see his country in the seventh heaven. So it is not necessary to tell him what to do for his country and it is not necessary to tell him to do something for his country and what he has to do for his country. In terms of success or good name in the world, our country India is one of the world’s most beloved countries.

Science is an important part of our daily lives. It is not up to everyone to understand this and explain it to everyone. No country in the world can achieve success and development without the youth because we can only make our country famous with the help of the youth and the way America has set an example of success. Our name is at the forefront of our youth in dance. The way the moon and stars shine, the way our country’s name shines in the world.

International Youth Day 2020

this is the international youth day 2020 this is the time to celebrate the youth day with all our beloved ones. This site will be going to give you all the latest ideas and the awareness about the youth day 2020. every teenager falls into the category of youth. the world organization fixed some rights for the youth. the teenagers have given the proper status in this world.

International Youth day is going to celebrate on the 12th of August, we all will be celebrating International youth day. But very few know what is International Youth Day and what it stands for.

“ International Youth Day is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth. The first IYD was observed on 12 August 2000.”

I may be briefly allowed to stray from the original topic “IYD” here and how the UN has designated this day and focus on the word “Youth”. The youth of all countries are drivers of change. Their role and participation in shaping the history of the world cannot be ignored.

Some Famous Youth Personalities

To delve into the biographies of major personalities would be an unnecessary brain drain. I think it would suffice to give a quick introduction of major personalities who after a great struggle in their youth ascended to a leadership position in the later stages of their lives and gained major victories for the causes they had dedicated their lives for.

  1. Nelson Mandela:

Spent 27 years in jail fighting for black people against the oppression of whites in South Africa.

  1. Martin Luther King:

A very big anti-racist activist since his early years who through his flagrant speeches raised the voice against racism in the USA.

  1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah:

As the saying goes,

“Some are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them”.

Founder of the modern state of Pakistan and a lawyer by profession. He was a great political activist and leader since his youth. One year before his sad departure from the world founded Pakistan.

Pakistan ??

  1. George Floyd:

A young black activist who was recently killed by American Law Enforcement Agencies. He has become a symbol of revolution and protest around the world.

  1. Burhan Wani:

A Kashmiri freedom fighter who gave up his life for the freedom of his land from Indian Occupied forces.

“ Long live in heart Burhan Today we mourn Lion is no more”.

So were chanted the slogans after his sad departure from the world.

International Youth Day 2020International Youth Day 2020International Youth Day 2020International Youth Day 2020International Youth Day 2020International Youth Day 2020


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